Reclaiming the Four Goddesses

Are you ready to meet your Elemental Goddesses?

I was dreading the zoom room, but somehow Andrea made the virtual space seem intimate and connected. It turned out to be an introvert’s dream!
— Ashleigh S.



Reclaiming the Four Goddesses is a 2-day online gathering for women, womxn+, and any person wanting to discover their Sacred Feminine self.

During the 11 hours of the Reclaiming the Four Goddesses virtual course, you will discover the feminine faces of the 4 Sacred Elements that live within you.

We will introduce you to the four sacred elements. Earth. Air. Water. Fire. Your own sacred elements of Earth, Water, Fire, and Air have a lot to teach you. Here at the Sacred Feminine Learning Lodge, we like to call these inner elemental powers “Goddesses.” These Goddesses live inside you.

Earth Womxn,  Air Womxn, Water Womxn, Fire Womxn

Each of the four Goddesses is a Wisdom Keeper of some kind. They are associated with a Sacred Element, which endows them with certain gifts and natural tendencies. Their Wisdom and Elemental qualities offer you safety, substance, and serenity if you allow them.

The Reclaiming the Four Goddesses work is deeply intimate and encourages self-exploration, courage, honesty, expression, self-compassion, and self-accountability. By meeting the Four Goddesses who live inside you, you can discover the person you were always meant to be.

This is your invitation to accept the power and Sacredness that lives in YOU.

Reclaiming the Four Goddesses is a 2-day online gathering for women, womxn+, and any person wanting to discover the feminine face of the Four Sacred Elements.

It’s time.

Sign up for the “Reclaiming the Four Goddesses” 2-day virtual event now

Dates:  TBA


You will receive a 42% discount AND the first 10 participants who sign up will receive an extra “guest” ticket.

Can you feel them calling you?

Fire Womxn

Water Womxn

Earth Womxn

Air Womxn

The 2-day event includes:

  • 11 hours of training over several days with Sacred Feminine Learning Lodge founder, Andrea Menard.

  • a deep dive into ONE of your Four Sacred Goddesses.

  • individual and small group discussion, as well as large group training to ground the Goddess work in your life.

  • discovery techniques, writing projects, mental and emotional release practises, meditative teachings, and power embodiment exercises.

Is Reclaiming the Four Goddesses for You?


If you answer YES to any of these questions, then Reclaiming the Four Goddesses is for you:

  • Do you want to decolonize the way you view the sacred feminine?

  • Are you ready to embody your own feminine wisdom?

  • Do you want to show up in the world as a fiercely, compassionate, grounded Goddess who can handle any situation?

  • Are you ready to dive deep in to your Sacred Self?

  • Can you accept full responsibility for your feelings?

  • Do you want to work with a circle of warm, courageous women and women-identifying individuals?

  • Are you ready to unravel the judgement of yourself and others?


Buy now and receive a 42% discount for our “Reclaiming the Four Goddesses” 2-day virtual event.

PLUS the first 10 participants who sign up will receive an extra “guest” ticket for free.